OTYG huldran

Beneath the dense gallows of the gnarled belt
... ivy-covered hills and fir-grown heath
Under the burgeoning twilight glow of man
Which enchants and delights in the dance of the shadow game
Man's thunder sounds in fair tones
In the cloud the dew-sprinkled moons envelop
A form is now seen in the darkness's prison
And the trained ones sing a snarling s...ng
Your heavy mind is evil, she charms
Hlrygg rotten
You lead in †rd„rv
Your poor blood for the huldra rushes
Hl...back rotten
In the darkness I cry
On... the journey of the forest, the wild r...
In stj The luster of splendor along the mighty...
She lures you from Milan's glowing coals
And preserves the peace of mind of your mate...l
In terrible anxiety she calls your enslaved names
But chained you are in the forest lady's greedy arms
She was the most beautiful m† that existed among women
But in the gr...moss an animal-like tail slips
Your heavy mind wicked she charms
Hl...back rotten
You are led in†rd„rv
Your poor blood before the huldra rushes
Hl...back rotten
In the darkness I cry
Now when the marsh fog thickens in the time of dawn
Once again you are at home at< br/>But in the soul you turn and the time becomes hard
For the thoughts are directed towards wild adults
To serve in the devil that was your lot
When the forest nuva calls and takes you away
Your heavy mind is evil, she charms
Hlrygg rotten
You are led in the way „rv
Your poor blood before the huldra rushes
Hl...back rotten
In the obscurity k„rv