ourfathers v

Place the bread upon my lips
Taste the wine under my skin
Kneel to the ones you loved before
Heaven open up your doors
I sought you, you fought me
This isn't the way its suppose to be
Your begotten one, your forgotten one
When we die we die alone
An empty cross an empty tomb
When we die we die alone
I would die for you
I would kill in your name
But you're not coming back
I forgot my way
I would die for you
Beg and plead for you
But I don't know your name
I don't know your name
Oh god, clasp these pilgram hands
Coarse with fear and endlessly begging
My knees went we, splintered and shaking
Filthy with the works of my fathers hands
Wrought with the lies I tell myself
Broken on the backs of every word
I sleep with stars in my eyes
I sleep with my lips pressed against your cheek