Overmood palely

We are a lot who would like to plug the ears from the weariness melodies
We are too much who would like to give a moon to our no-sky nights
Weariness melodies
No-sky nights
And all these little crazy humans that I've been
Inside me repeat to me, repeat to me
They're repeating repeating repeating...
Clock in - Clock out
Don't you need to stop to clock-in clock-out
And go on in your want to fade-in fade-out
Don't you need to stop to clock-in clock-out
And go on in your want to fade-in fade-out
We're the dumb faces able to smile to the foggy mornings
We're too much who would like to lick the stars of our no-sky nights
Foggy mornings and no-sky nights
Don't you need to stop to clock-in clock-out
And go on in your want to fade-in fade-out
Don't you need to stop to clock-in clock-out
And go on in your want to fade-in fade-out