Pablo Alborán ahogandome en tu adios

I wear your half smile
the one you let escape
when I asked you out
I wear the winter months
confessing secrets
melting the love I gave you
And say that you saw in me
to accept that afternoon
and now leave it all like this
And drowning in memories
Drowning in your goodbye
They sounded the sirens
in our sad room
The silence dethrones you
and the emptiness inside me
becomes eternal and devours me
there is an abyss between the two
/>You take the sad routine
the insult and the disgust
the anguish of seeing me happy at your side
and you take the resentment and the reproach
the messages at night
While I pretended to sleep
And say that you saw in me
to accept that afternoon
and now leave everything like this
And drowning in memories
drowning in your goodbye
the sirens sounded
in our sad room
The silence dethrones you
and the emptiness inside me
becomes eternal and devours me
There is a chasm between the two