Panama Wedding a brand new life

Gunna Leave the business
Gunna sell my shares
Get away from the daily rates, and hide somewhere
Drop my clothes at the Good Will
in the box downtown
Get away for a while tonight
and figure it out.
Cuz I didn't know
This was the ending
I was sold
Yeah, I didn't know
This was the ending
I was sold
So I said
Lets start a brand new life
Cuz I need a change, I need a change.
Lets start a brand new life
Cuz everyday feels just the same.
Wanna live on the North Shore
Wanna cut my hair
Find a wife that I like, have some kids
and a dog named bear.
Buy a house in the suburbs
With a shared back yard
Lease a car
Get some TV screens
and a DVR.
Cuz I didn't know
This was the ending
I was sold
Yeah, I didn't know
This was the ending
I was sold.
Lets start a brand new life
Cuz I need a change, I need a change.
Lets start a brand new life
Cuz everyday feels just the same.
Now I'm havin a break down.
Waitin for the money to come.
But I'm tired.
Oh having to signal
Just a twety minutes of fun.
Cuz I didn't know
This was the ending
I was sold
Yeah, I didn't know
This was the ending
I was sold.
Lets start a brand new life
Cuz I need a change, I need a change.
Lets start a brand new life
Cuz everyday feels just the same.
Cuz everyday feels just the same.
Lets start a brand new life.
Cuz everyday feels just the same.