PANG! dingbat

Oh no no
Oh no no
He he hey
Oh no no
Just for tonight
You'll be my princess, i'll be your knight
You'll be my princess, i'll be your knight
He he hey
Just for tonight
Just for tonight
Oh no no
You'll be my princess, i'll be your knight
Just for tonight
You'll be my princess, i'll be your knight
He he hey
Oh no no no no
Just for tonight
You'll be my princess, i'll be your knight
He he hey
Just for tonight
You'll be my princess, i'll be your knight
He he hey
You'll be my princess, you'll be my princess, you'll be my princess, i'll be your knight
Just for tonight
He he hey
He he he hey
You'll be my princess, you'll be my princess
Oh oh oh oh
You'll be my princess, i'll be your knight
Just for tonight
He he hey
You'll be my princess, i'll be your knight
Just for tonight
You'll be my princess, i'll be your knight
He he hey
You'll be my princess, you'll be my princess
Just for tonight
You'll be my princess, i'll be your knight
He he hey
Oh no no no
You'll be my princess, you'll be my princess
Just for tonight
You'll be my princess, i'll be your knight
Just for tonight
Just for tonight
He he hey
Just for tonight
You'll be my princess, you'll be my princess
He he hey
He he he hey
Oh oh oh oh
You'll be my princess, you'll be my princess, i'll be your knight
Just for tonight
Oh no no no
Oh no no no
Oh no no no
Oh no no no
Oh no no no