Panychida perchta

Day after day, summer after summer, and finally death. Sometimes they stand for a long time by the door, until they step in suddenly, unexpectedly. Sometimes, however, it is announced, if life is stolen. Such used to be the belief, and it is, that the signs of impending death are appearing, that strange sounds are heard, that the greatness is approaching the last moment.
The voice of a sow, a mysterious knocking or the sound of someone swinging a rod at the door, at the window, or something else announce the near end. These are general signs. However, she announced to some natives at a special sign that one of them would go the way of all people.
So if someone from the Strojetic lands saw a white sparrow, someone from the PÄÿchovské lands heard the trumpeting of trumpet hunters, doe dogs and deer. ehot horse. When on Raba's ramparts a large black body suddenly, violently shook itself, when a dark noise came from it, then surely the gusts of death There was someone from Dlouhovesská, Ästolará or Chanovská. Before death, the black people heard a strange sound, as if someone was pouring sand or gravel, Lobkovic's voice was ringing, and when someone from Kolovrat was about to go out, he was sweating in RoÄ in the church of Ovo, a tombstone under which their ancestor rested, sometimes during the reign of Charles IV. at his word.
A white lady appeared to some families.
Whenever she appeared, some events, happy or sad, could happen in those cities. Either someone was born or died, or weddings were celebrated in that birthplace. And she always appeared in a white suit, a lady of solemn, shapely figure, with her head wrapped in a veil like a widow. She used to wear black gloves only when something sad was about to happen.
She appeared at different times: sometimes at noon, most often at night.
And then her voice sounded like a whisper, like the blowing of a quiet wind.