Paolo Conte paso doble

Paolo Conte
Paso Doble
The phrases of love are always the same,
the same now for everyone,
this room is bored...
The chandelier swings mysteriously,
but this is secondary
and after all it is also normal...
the best that the two of us know how to give
who knows if we have it given,
maybe yes or maybe no,
or maybe it's still all to be played,
human and mischievous,
the game, between us...
Yes, but, more than thinking about you and thinking about you, I would like to meet you,
and more than write to you and call you, I would like to kiss you, maybe...
There is, yes, much more pleasure in letting the soul cry out in enthusiastic hands, which say words never heard, usually invented on the spot. â¦
I don't see, by the way, anyone
who left from afar to exist like me,
rather all this can serve
to say something else,
but who remembers anymore?
Yes, but more than thinking about you and thinking about you
possibly I would like to meet you,
and more than writing and calling you
possibly I would like to kiss you...