Parthak crossing the way

“The night has fallen from the bluish mantle,
Like droplets of dew shaking
Sparkling stars. The moon came in,
Laving with sadness the profound sky”.
We escaped from the distant echoes of silence
From the dust of the endless roads
We desperately tried to cross the way
Covered with branches and carcasses
We forgot our empty promises
We don’t even know if we are alive
“Humans and other worms try
an unplausible coexistence
It’s a miracle of the false harmonious tenderness
that pricks and wears out everything.”
The deadly bells persecute us with vacillating fury
We desperately tried to cross the way
Covered with branches and carcasses
We forgot our empty promises
We don’t even know if we are alive
We cross the way, we´re migrants
We’re thirsty and hungry