Patrick Cassidy na mbeannaochta the beatitudes i

Blessed are the poor:
Blessed in God's house;
Blessed are the poor:
A heavenly land of their own.
Blessed are those who mourn:
Comfort for you and for you;
Blessed are the peacemakers:
They were God's children.
Blessed is the righteous hungry
There is a shepherd in God's house ©;
'S still a man of mercy -
They will receive their own way
Blessed still those -
People of the pure heart ready;
Ba happy for them
Is do cífid gnúis Dé©.
(Blessed are the poor:
In God's house shall they dwell;
And blessed too the gentle ones:
The land of Heaven is theirs.
Blessed are the sorrowful:
Solace is due unto them;
Blessed are the peaceful:
They are the family of the Living God.
Blessed are the truly hungry
For they are satisfied in God's house;
And yet too the merciful -
They will receive their own practice.
More blessed even still are they -
The clean and pure of heart;
Delightful it were for them
That they should see God's face.)