Patrick Fiori sophie

Don't cry, Sophie,
Don't cry.
Even if tears make you grow
Come on, come and dry your smile
And grow with me
Don't cry, Sophie,
br/>Don't cry
And if my words made you suffer
I never want to say anything again
I want to lose my voice,
For you
And that suddenly the gods are unleashed,
That they offer you thousands of lovers,
That you would hold between your chains,
And would trample while laughing,
And if for I would become a queen,
You would be beautiful enough to drive one crazy,
I will wait for you near the fountains,
Our last meeting.
Don't cry, Sophie,
Don't cry.
You can't hold me anymore
I don't want to come back to you
I'm so far from you,
For me
And suddenly the gods are unleashed,
That they offer you thousands of lovers,
That you would hold between your chains,
And would trample while laughing,
And if for me you became queen,
You would be beautiful to drive one crazy,
I will wait for you near the fountains,
From our last meeting.
May they offer you thousands of lovers,
And suddenly the gods are unleashed,
That you would hold between your chains,
And would trample while laughing,
And if for me you became queen,
You would be beautiful to drive one crazy,
I will wait for you near the fountains,
From our last meeting.
Don't cry, Sophie,
Don't cry
Since our lives are untangled
Remember to forget me
I'm so far away already
For you
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don't cry
Don’t cry
Don’t cry