Peculate an ontology of convenience

Divide the world in two.
It's much easier to digest that way.
Swallow it whole; don't chew—
or you better spit it out.
The world is not for beholding;
it is for dissect—
for projecting.
Projecting ideology,
projecting illusion.
The world is not for beholding; 1
it is for molding,
and upholding.
Molding reality,
as we see fit;
upholding exclusion,
making it,
the world,
the realm of and for the privileged
and the privileged alone.
Who are you to see the world in your own way?
Why don't you just conform?
It's easier that way.
Listen up:
Disguise ideology as convenience.
It's much easier that way.
Listen up:
We're sharing the Truth with you.
Disguise ideology as convenience.
Disguise ideology as truth.
You'll get ‘em every time.
Dress ideology in sheep's wool.
Make sure Reality aligns
with the ideology of
the privileged
and the powerful.