Perfect Symmetry jra egyedl leszek

I didn't even want anything anymore,
Just to stay a little longer...
I would know when it was enough
I didn't want anger, destruction
I didn't want to blame anyone else
Only the end is what I feel
and it poisons me every minute
This end makes me tired
All my plans have been ruined for a long time
And when I forget everything
I wake up and I'll be alone again
You too just talk
And I could only hurt you if you were here
Yesterday I felt again
That everyone was afraid of me
Okay nom már, but hurt
A boundary came and I crossed it again
I didn't care when I was wrong
Only the end what I feel
and it poisons my every minute
I am tired of this end
It has been interfering with all my plans
if I burn everything again
I wake up and I'm alone again
I'm surprised by the fog
so I don't see the enemy
I don't have the savior anymore
I don't have someone to take care of all this anymore
The morning is beautiful, but it won't be comfortable
I wake up and I will be alone again