Phantasmagoria indian burial ground

Pack up your things
all your favorite things
that you think you can't leave
but you don't really need
and then follow the sounds till you're safe in the trees
I promise you, you'll never wanna leave
I promise you, you'll love to breathe
I wanna sleep on the ground (on the cold, hard ground)
I wanna lay in the grass (on the soft, green grass)
I wanna sink in the soil (I wanna lay in your arms)
I wanna feel like I belong (that I don't wanna go home)
I wanna soak up the sun (but I wanna lay in the snow)
I wanna taste you with my tongue (I want the linger in my throat)
I wanna float on water (I wanna sink in the sea)
I want you anytime, anyplace
I want you and I want you always
Getting impatient, feeling uneasy, daydreaming
This is me without you, slowly turning blue
This is me without you, I've gone all the way through