Phineas & Ferb brand new best friend and it s me

Do I know you?
Yeah, I'm you from another dimension
Well, that would explain the handsomeness
Right back at ya, big guy
Does that mean you and I are exactly alike?
I suppose so
Do you want some rice pudding?
No, that's gross
It was a test
Almond brittle?
Ooo, I love it the most
Do you collect coins?
Yeah, just in case
Vending machines
Become the dominant race
I've been alone all these years
With my irrational fears
But not the vending machine thing
That's gonna happen
But now before me I see
Someone with whom I agree
I've found a brand new best friend
And it's me
I've found a brand new best friend
And it's me
I thought I'd be taller
I've been told I slouch
I thought I've have both my eyes, you know?
It's in this pouch, ouch
You know, I can't help but notice your scar goes over your eyepatch
Do llamas weird you out?
Yeah, are they camels or sheep?
No, no, I meant Lorenzo
Oh, that's right, he played Meep
Now I know all about you
And you know all about me, ooo, wee, ooo
And now before me I see
Someone with whom I agree
I've found a brand new best friend
And it's me
I've found a brand new best friend
And it's me
Now that I've found you
We can be a duo
That's right, twice the evil
Double Doofenshmirtz
Coming at you Fridays
What's that, are we doing a TV show together?
Oh, no, it just sounded good
I mean, we could, we should
Hmmm, maybe we're not so much alike
That can be your catchphrase
You're the grumpy one