Pity Sex white hot moon

Stumbling around with my thorn of crowns. King of clichéd songs. King of ‘Lost and Found.’ Water Hill swirling above me. “Go to sleep son, don’t be ugly.” White hot moon, why don’t you love me? “You’ll feel better in the morning.” Wire dog, be my companion. “Leave him be, he has no master.” Wire dog’s a good boy. We’ll run together. We’ll blend together. We’ll run together, but we won’t stay. Black mold grows so nice and easy. “I will creep inside your body.” Left the shower on all evening. “Inundate the air you’re breathing.” Black mold, keep me company. “I will never let you leave.” I am not. a good boy. We’ll run together. We’ll blend together. We’ll run together, but we won’t stay.