PMMP pmmp viimeinen valitusvirsi

I say all this directly
because I love you too much
Everyone has a measure full,
if the wolf comes, you can just scream
Your belly button might help you
the mirror image is still pity< br/>You'd get friends from the stall
they also ruminate and suffer
Have you finally drunk
every wound full
Joy can't be found anywhere
Peace of mind won't stay awake until five
How the circle of life ate itself
how the road narrowed, I saw
many threw their moments away
but kept their poise
Well, it's a terrible
glass childhood< br/>and given bad food
then everything is already ruined
and you are too fragile
in my own opinion
to endure life here
It's all about you
This is the last song of complaint
when no one can take it anymore
The fault is always found somewhere else
you can blame someone
You are not responsible for anything
what the hell are they doing
Did you finally heal
every wound yesterday
Joy can't be found anywhere
Peace of mind doesn't wake up until five
How the circle of life ate itself
how the road narrowed, I saw
its moment threw many away
but kept his heart
You can't find love
no flowing blood
because you look for the dead
among the dead
you can't find a heart
br/>but hollow armor
you look into empty eye sockets
in sagging bodies
You want easy comfort
so you get cheap messiahs
Have you finally drunk
every wound full< br/>chorus