Pokolgep aki maskepp el

Aki Maskepp El
Aki Maskepp El
By Pokolgep
Album title: Adj uj erot
I'm getting better after Naprol days
I get rewards for it less often
But sometimes my body wants to eat
It depends on how much I work, how strong I am
Who wears a mask away, you don't understand that I'm here
Whoever hides you, doesn't know what I feel
Whoever hides you, doesn't understand that you're here
Whoever hides you, doesn't know what erzek en
Listen to me, there's no truth in the Fold
Naprol-day carefree
Luxury bank, credit card, money
Their latvan on which to get in
Their life is a completely different world
Whoever hides, doesn't understand that I'm alone
Whoever hides, doesn't know what I feel
Whoever hides, doesn't understand that's me
Whoever hides, he doesn't know how I feel
Listen to me, there's no truth on the Fold >He who wears a mask doesn't understand how I feel
He who wears a mask doesn't know what I feel
Listen to me, there is no truth on the Fold