Pokolgep most mar eleg

Now Mar Eleg
Now Mar Eleg
By Pokolgep
Album title: Night raid
You are never a different age
You never accept other music
Never another music
You fight for the truth
Real fire only burns inside you
Only in you
The flames of hatred burn in innocent eyes
Suffocated words are enough now
Don't ask for mercy
Don't cry for mercy
Raise your voice
Or be swept away the shame
Don't ask for mercy
Don't cry for shame
Raise your voice
Or be swept away by the shame
You are none of the ten million
Sparrows chattering wildly
br/>Swollen with a wild body
They ask, but you have no words
Their slave is the hope impaled
The hope impaled
The flame of hatred burns in unharmed eyes
Suppressed words now burn enough
Don't ask for mercy
Don't cry for shame
Raise your voice
Or sweep away the anger
Don't ask for mercy
Don't cry for shame
Raise raise your voice
Or sweep away the wrath
Don't ask for mercy
Don't cry for mercy
Raise your voice
Or sweep away the wrath
Don't ask for mercy
Don't cry
Raise your voice
Or sweep away the face