Polysics kaja kaja goo

Kamiwo tatemiyou
Tsuyawo dashitemiyou
Irowo nuitemiyou
Kaomo kaetemiyoujai
Sugu lucky star
Sugu lucky star
Sugu lucky star
Lucky Star
Lucky Star
Lucky Sate!?
Great good goo!!!!!
Great good goo!!!!!
Great kaja goo!!!!!
Kaja kaja goo!!!!!
You are the best
Tsuyawo dashitemiyou
You are the best
You are the best
You are the best
Sugu charisma< br/>With Charisma
With Charisma
With Charisma
With Charisma
With Charisma!?
Great goo!!!!< br/>What a wonderful goo!!!!
What a wonderful goo!!!!
What a wonderful goo!!!!
Yamino shodan shodan shodan shodan
With Zenbu!?
What a great goo!
What a great goo!
What a great goo!
What a great goo!
Good good goo!
Good good goo!
Good good goo!
Good good goo!
Good good goo!