Pooh saremo noi

It will be us
we will always be the same
only less shy
only less young
we will be the ones to keep us company
the same desire to leave
the same beautiful fantasy
it will be us
And spend an evening
we are together in some way
in front of a laugh
in front of an empty glass
see my friend< br/>How do these small coins of life go away that
we keep well closed in our pockets
but which are lost from sight
sooner or later
And try to imagine
in a year or twenty or whatever it may be
the two of us here talking
alone in this restaurant
see my friend I would bet on it
we won't change you know
it will be us
the ones who think of the future
as if it were a wall
and surely hit their heads
who struggle
to live this life
Will it be us
like night owls
kids waiting for revenge
students for an eternity?
will it be us
always the same old ones
deluded people who believe in it
the stupid people who dream
will be us
We will see every morning
the new world that walks
searching in those moments
who knows? what great changes
see my friend
I would bet on it
it will be? It's hard not to laugh
Thinking about us
Looking into our eyes
Thinking about us like two old men
Speaking softly
From a time long gone
It will be us
we are always the same
only less shy
only less young
we will keep us company
the same desire to leave
the same beautiful imagination< br/>It will be us
O no no no
It will be us
We will always be the same
Two time bombs
Sooner or later somewhere
they explode