Pree what the news is

God damn these shoes
that walk me
anywhere they choose
they've brought me inches
on a map—
and what are inches
supposed to do?
cheer a lonely crawl, or
let me know I'm getting taller,
getting closer to the moon?
You want taking care of in the day
but when I'm walking, well
I haven't all that much to say
you were something special on the way
but now you'll have to live
without the ears that
waded in a growing mouth
‘til nothing came
and talked them out of asking
what the news is
Ambition is a pricy little girl
who'll never need you to be hers
You see, she has enough of those
kneady little doughnut holes
(They're only known for what they leave
and not what they are)
And so, she'll take your bracelets
Crowns to frame her face with
Leave you nearly toothless
Tell me if you see her
and tell me—if you see her—
won't you ask her what the news is?
I'll have a listen
if you can tell me
what part to rip out
what heart to rip out
and what piece to start missing
what leg to let die
just to keep on with your living
a half-legged life
And half-pretty's all rot
but it's enough to get by
if you don't stop to count your toes—
God knows, you won't need those
to close a door