Prepared Like A Bride ocean tide

Like an early morning sunrise in themiddle of the night.
The waves silencing my thoughts as I try to win thisfight.
I don't know where I am going or if I plan on coming back.
The sea couldtake me under and paint my whole world black.
Paint my world black.
And keep mein it's current.
Paint my world black.
Maybe then I'd know the feeling offighting a sea in me.
With a million feelings I would drown in self-pity.
Likean ocean tide come and dwell inside and wash away the pain.
Wash away.
Pleasewash away the pain, please wash away the pain.
So I could feel whole onceagain.
Like an early morning sunrise in the middle of the night.
The wavessilencing my thoughts as I try to win this fight.
I don't know where I am goingor if I plan on coming back.
The sea could take me under and paint my wholeworld black.
Paint my world black.
Like an ocean tide come and dwell inside andwash away the pain.
Wash away.
Please wash away the pain, please wash away thepain.
So I could feel whole once again.