Psychostick new to the neighborhood

And now Bill Manspeaker of Green Jellÿ gets a visit from his new neighbors.
I cant wait to meet our new neighbors"
"Im sure theyre delightful."
[doorbell rings]
"Hi, were your new neighbors.
I gotta joke for you, alright?
Knock knock
Whos there?"
"Fucking get out of my fucking house you fuck!"
"Hey, we just came over here to introduce ourselves."
"Probably because youre a fucking moron!
We don't need to take this abuse!"
"I got another one for you,Wyd the chicken cross the road?
Listen sir!
Get the fuck outta here!
You cant talk to her like that."
"Hes taking his clothes off!
Ahhh, look out, here comes Snakey!
Oh my god, lets get outta here. "
"That guys crazyI think we should move.
You piece of fucking shit.