Pushing Giants el salto

My mother, she'll never trust you
In fact, I don't like you at all
She thinks I haven't thought it through
Says I'm still learning to crawl
Your daddy thinks I'm a lowlife
That I won't get nowhere
He'd rather not you be my wife
Because when you're down, I won't care
Hold me back tonight
And I'm feeling
My grandma says you don't share well
Pop Pop doesn't get it at all
They're going straight to hell
That premarital
I'd like to think we can make it
Like your parents approved
Pretty sure we can make it
Is this the best we can do?
Hold me back tonight
And I'm feeling
Nobody might ever trust us
In fact, they won't like us at all
They'll think we haven't thought it through
But we're still having a ball
Hold me back tonight
And I'm feeling