Puti Chitara universe

Travel on the rainbow slide
Flowing up to the starry sky
Riding on my favorite cloudit's all white and bright
so bright i see the beauty of the nighttwinkling like the light
Colours are running so fastpaint the ocean all bright, so bright
Galaxies and milky way above me
Smiling softly and telling me how wonderful this world could bei know for surethat i'm glad,
tell me now will this ever endcause i don't want to wake up
Just let me slide away and fade away in this dreamJust want to fade away in this dream
**I wanna fly.when there's nobody there
Just fly…so i could reach you there
So dear Mr. Raindrop shower me all the love
Let me bloom a beautiful flowerdecorate the day under the sunlight
Oh, hear me sing, sing this songtell the birds to sing a long
Feel the peace inside and nothing can be wrong
Cause this universe, this universe is you