Queso billy boy

There's something scattered in the middle of the road
I picked it up
There's still a little bit left, but
You can't drink it
You're not sure, so
You're still thirsty
It's dangerous when you're not sure
It's dangerous when you're not sure
It's dangerous the sadness flowing inside your veins
That you're so tired
Talking to yourself
Will ask what really happened
What really happened
What really happened
What really
What, what
But no one answers
No one answering in the middle of the quiet night
But the broken bottle
So walk a walk
Just walk a walk
Just walk a walk
Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead
Relax first bitch
Holding each other
That broken bottle
I know you want to get drunk
You know you want to dream
You just don't want to wake up
But nothing
Nothing has swallowed you up
You have no money, you have nothing
You have nowhere to come from
You have nowhere to go
You have no ally
But the broken bottle
Sees itself
That bites the skin
Wounds the mind
Your own shadow will follow you
And now you ask yourself
Would you drink from a broken bottle
Would you drink from a broken bottle
Would you drink from a broken bottle
Would you drink from a broken bottle< br/>Would you drink from a broken bottle
Would you drink from a broken bottle
The blade
Thousands of glasses scattered
The blade
Thousands scattered broken glass
There is a memory to run
There is a memory stuck in the throat
At the end of hope
And at the end of death
Broken bottle< br/>One hundred thousand glasses
Slowly cutting
Slowly sinking
Slowly life is quiet
In noisy weather
Suddenly I closed my eyes
Suddenly I fell asleep
Suddenly I saw
Thick smoke
Many many colors
And suddenly someone appeared
An angel with horns
He said He can give me anything
Anything, anything
I can ask
He said, but come with me first
He said, come with me first
Come with me first
Come with me first
Come with me first
The blade
Scattered by a thousand mirrors
The blade
How many breeds did you breed? or wrong, eh
Just open it
Open it
So now this happened to me
I was blinded by her beauty
I held her hand
While we were walking
On the smoky road
In a place I don't know where
But thank you
Thank you I have a partner
Thank you I have a partner
Thank you, I have a partner
Thank you very much for the broken bottle
Thank you for the broken bottle
Thank you for the broken bottle
Thank you very much for the broken bottle
Thank you for the broken bottle
Thank you for the broken bottle
Thank you for the broken bottle
Thank you for the broken bottle