R.A.P. winter thoughts

Snow is falling in the morning
It's just another dark grey day
I don't know where this was starting
And when it's gonna fade away
So let us change everything we can
Even if it seems so almost unchangeable
Cos I just wanna live my life instead
Instead of whining it's so
So come on everybody now let's say
We ain't got no time to dream away
So come on everybody now let's yell
All you dreamy ones will wake in hell
I am hearing different voices
It's just another state of mind
Words are changing into noises
Eyes are getting blur and then they're turning blind
So let us change everything again
Now we know nothing is, nothing's unchangeable
You gotta chance to start your life like then
Without that whining it's so
Let us change the people
Let us change the world
Let us change the laws
Let us change it all