Radwall tunnel s rail

On this tunnel's rail
You'll fight yourself
As you're drifting from connection joints
And blowing through man made holes
Descend until you can't see your face
Descend until the light begins to fade
Descend, the only way through is north
Descend, don't get lost along the cord like I was lost
Have you seen the faces in the dark?
Eternally pursuing something they lost...
In their labyrinth they've forgotten who they are
Cast out so long ago
To fill these tombs
They find heat and stay close
Their train is gone
Down these long moaning halls
Do you hear it?
Get out of here
Let it all be the path
Let go of where you go
You're broken now
Search between this splitting halls
To know the truth
You're broken down
This unconfigured slate collapse
Caves beneath frail insight
When dawn is here
Through open cracks
Believe in your will
This is the first stop
Through fortitude
You've found a way through dust and mist
But know that this tunnel goes beyond
This rail goes far beyond