Raffi banana phone

Banana Phone
ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Banana Phone, ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Banana Phone...I've got this feeling, so appealing, for us to get together and sing, SING, ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Banana Phone, ding dong ding dong ding dong ding, danana phone...it gows in bunches, ive got my hunches, its the best, beats the rest, cellular modgular, interact u bobular, ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Banana Phone, boopboodeedoopdeedee, ping pong ping pong ping panana phone... it no balogna, it aint a foney, my cellular banaular phone... don't need quarters, don't need dimes, to call a friend of mine, don't need computer or TV, to have a real good time, ill call for pizza, ill call my cab, ill call the white house, have a chat, ill place a call around the world, operator get me bay-ging-ging-ging-ging.. yeah... well my friend...ring ring ring ring ring ring ring Banana Phone, coocoocookiedoodoodoo, ying yang ying yang ying yanana phone.... its a real life mamma and pappa fone, a brother and sister and doga-phone, a grandpa fone and a grandma phone too... oh yeah, my cellular banaular phone... banana phone.. ring ring ring.. its a phone with a peel, banana phone, ring ring ring... now you can have your phone and eat it t0o, banana phone, ring ring ring... this song drives me banana's, banana phone.. ring ring ring, boopidoopdeedoop