Rally fan fan fan

I usually move with dignity and dignity In shady environments
I usually avoid standing with others In ridiculous queues
I usually spread my wild oats and sow my seeds
But they were
Damn hell
When a baby took my freedom away
It becomes a different life when she shouts "now my water breaks"
Then there are completely different reasons to stay up all night
You can be glad if there's room at one patten
Yes they were
Damn damn damn
When a baby took my freedom away
Yes they were
Damn damn damn
When a baby took my freedom away
In and out and in again - out and in and out again
In and out and in again - out and in and out again
That there was a time when I ran around like a wolf in the pasture
When I hunted all night and slept all day
And I regret Today that I didn't put the bet on my stomach
For those who
Damn damn damn
When a baby took my freedom away
Yes they were
Damn damn damn
When a baby took my freedom away