Raubtier opus magni

You free men who still carry the idea
of the true ideal of the individual
You who are not swayed by the voice from the bank
And are not led astray of the vipers' speech
When government people and tax authorities
Want to apply global tyranny
We must, who can, defend every meter
So they understand that the Nordic she is free
With fire and iron freedom must be paid
It costs well-being, luxury and abundance
Are you prepared for waking up from slumber
the price of freedom is sacrifice, blood and death.
A wave of terror, an open storm of terror
That frightens the android of a slave
is only for me, the last syntax error
Which at any cost with violence must be killed
Battle for your land, and for your families
Let the banner fly high and lead you
Be hard and strong, and show what separates
A son of the North from n a plebeian
Red or blue? What do you think it means?
Just empty platitudes drained of substance
Our head of state bows to those he obeys
Whenever they intend to invite dance
fight your way free from the closing masses
Time is short, but there is still time to fight
Bite hard and claw against the dogs of the world order
For they will never, never subdue us