Ray Miller engelchen

They call you little angel
That's clear
Because an angel like you is rare.
Even if you often fly to me very secretly
Then the others don't know anything about it< br/>Just me
Let's get it out of the way
It's all over.
All the other boys are mad
Believe me
And from now on they'll call you "little brat"!
The boys approach you like Blücher
And invite you often
And you always say no
Let them come with you no one
But no one is angry with you
They all agree:
She must be an angel!
They call you little angel...
For seconds in the elevator
/>Was I alone with you
I asked you: don't say no
Come let me be with you.
At first you were shy and indecisive
And you almost bit me
/>But boy
An angel like that can kiss!
They call you little angel...