Rebecca Lindsey darn that media!

Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
I’m sittin’ here at the bar
Jack Daniels’ hittin’ on me
Captain Morgan’s winkin’ again
I’m lookin’ at the TV
What do I see?
He’s with that girl on CMT
Darn that Media!
I wonder
If I could get a lobotomy?
I wonder if my HMO even covers me?
The whole top of MySpace
Is covered with his face
I turn on the radio –
Damn he’s in the top ten!
There’s a billboard and what do I see?
An advertisement of him, wearing Jockeys
My alphabet soup is spellin’ his name
My life was normal before all his fame
My girlfriends love him and he’s to blame
Covers me, covers me, yeah
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah