Recess Theory weatherman

Marionettes walking around out of their cases
Skid marks from street cars of innocent kids going out to the races
Winning their places
Hoping it doesn't rain
But it's too late to cry about what the weatherman said
Tomorrow will be blue instead of gray
I'm tired of re-reading these letters that I should be throwing away
Because mourning ties knots in my stomach hurts
Faced with tone deaf music box tinkers composing their melodies
Like wind up toys from singing boys waiting for something to happen
“It doesn't matter, as long as it matters more than everyday”
But it's too late to cry about what the weatherman said
Tomorrow will be blue instead of gray
I'm tired of re-reading these letters that I should be throwing away
Tomorrow when I wake up I promise that things just won't be the same
Once upon a time when I could believe in myself
Once upon a time when I could believe in myself
But it's too late to cry about things now
Tomorrow when I wake up I promise that things just won't be the same