Regulo Caro horno de coricos

Right now the oven is not for Coricos
My mistress said, You don't even have to trust your friends,
I've got you screwed up fools,
If you have to fight, start cleaning the Norico horn,
If you have to fight, start cleaning the Norico horn.
br/>Sweep your enemies out of the way,
Because the brother-in-law is a danger,
Jump up and hold on, Mijo, the Chingasos
They come pretty, you have to be prepared,
While I was making more firewood, that oven was smoking the cornfield
& soon it was starting me determined
My God Blesses Me, My Son
Past Water Does Not Move Mills,
If the day I stole it was worth it to me, Mother El Permission
He threw me into trouble, it's so much.
I'm already missing it, and I don't even have to say it, Mija.
Te You come with me soon in the lomo I feel warm