Rejjie Snow skinny jasmine intermission

So I see it's somebody's birthday
My daughter just turned nineteen
Man O man, they grow up so quick
Party people, we are now going to step back
into the wonder world of Annie
(Get that shit, people)
Man I never told you,
I was out in France and they were playing your music!
How does that feel since you're a man from Dublin
Ladies and gentlemen, Dublin city, Ireland
Yeah I'm Irish, that's cool
But not from the waist down, hahah
But yeah I heard they're playing my music in France
And that sick
I think that city is a true definition of love, for real
Shit, all I do when I'm out there is eat baguette
Leave my name on vacant bus stops
Bad Habits and shit you know
But ah yeah, she told me, Mon Amour
I think that means my love
See this next song is called, Mon Amour
Thank you