Remmy Valenzuela sufro porque te quiero

On a cold night,
you gave me your love,
it was with the miracle
of a kiss, of a kiss, of a kiss of agony,
you are what ever I would never forget
the kisses of your mouth, your mouth
that wanted to pass through mine,
you are my love, you are my illusion,
you are in my life, the only desire of my heart,
you are a rose,
you are the most beautiful,
you are the most beautiful,
the loving rose of my heart.
I suffer because I love you
and I can't forget you,
because you swore to me, to have affection for me
and love me at the same time
because I love you
I would never forget
the kisses from your mouth, your mouth
that wanted to pass through mine,
you are my love, you are my illusion,
you are in my life, the only desire of my heart,
you are a rose,
you are the most beautiful,
you are the most beautiful,
the loving rose of my heart.