Renato Zero i 70

Do you want to fly away with me tonight?
You don't know the adventure you will live.
Here are all my years in celebration.
Hold on tight! Living is an art.
The skinny one is me, dancing.
I already had my own audience.
Only true friends around,
anger and joy .
No melancholy.
We made history. No glory for us.
They hurt us and beat us down like this.
Bourgeois, your reign is over.
With four amplifiers our cry was heard.
That world over there ¬ he also defended himself.
That music changed us.
Hendrix didn't say no.
Here is the great dream that begins again.
Every era has its own.
A dream that will mark you forever.
You will fight for him.
You will have children and problems.
There is great excitement tonight. Let's do this other crazy thing!
Come on in, people. We leave, we go.
You can never have too much freedom.
We loved and supported each other, lost and found ourselves here.
From our example you will receive
the answers you will seek .
The best of us.
The 70's are here. I'm not wrong.
You can't leave them out.
There is a philosophy there, a world.
The revolution.
A better time.
Ours happen.