Renaud les aventures de gerard lambert

Fourteen, April '77
In the suburbs where it's night
The small road is deserted
Gérard Lambert returns home
In the in the distance the mopeds scream
That's it, I set the scene
Created the climate of my song
That smells of fear, it stinks of death
I like the atmosphere, don't you? Ah well
Here is the actual story
Here is the plot of my song
Gérard Lambert drives very fast
The wind rushes into his jacket
In the distance the bourgeois sleep like idiots
When suddenly the tragedy occurs
Just at the exit of a bend
There's no more gasoline in the bike
Gérard Lambert is mad with rage
You shouldn't have» Gérard Lambert
Go tonight there   Rungis
You should have stayed with your mother
Like a good son
He puts his mob on the stand
S' sits on the ground and thinks
In this slum suburb
There's not a pump open at night
In the distance there's a siren who faints
What the hell am I going to do?
I'm still not going to walk home
More less anxiety it gets better
When suddenly an idea comes to him
I'm going to siphon a liter or two
Into the tank of this car
And then I puncture the tires
Like that for free for fun
I have to let off some steam a little
I'm pissed
Once his crime is done
Gérard Lambert is going to leave
The moped doesn't want to know anything
It was the good Lord who punished him
You shouldn't have» Gérard Lambert
Go that evening to Rungis
T' should have stayed with your mother
Like a good son
So for half an hour
In his engine he fiddles
He is flattened he is sweating
He has grease up to his elbows
In the distance the day is dawning
As usual
At that moment a guy comes
A little thug with blond hair
And who tells him like in the books
Please draw me a sheep
A woman   hair or a caliber
A switchblade a moped
Whatever you want my friend you're free
But draw me something cool
In the distance, nothing happens
At least it seems to me
So with the flick of a wrench
Well placed between the two eyes
Gérard Lambert bursts his head
The Little Prince of my two
Don't inflate Gérard Lambert
When there's ©pare your moped
That’s the moral of my song
I think it’s cool, don’t you? Oh good