Replacire along the frame

Bring me life's most glorious days
My eyes will paint the blessing
The moment captured, this wondrous art
I stare only to seek the heart
Into the garden this portrait goes
To breathe in the air forever
I see you sleep within the oils
While I sneak along the frame
You all can live under the soil
While I try to reignite the flame
Bring me life's most horrid pain
I'll spread the filth upon the canvas
But if this painting turns into a mirror
I'll recognize myself
Every time I force my soul
Into the landscapes in front of my eyes
The cloud of indifference
Creates a pale disguise
It no longer matters if I grasp the essence
Of pure love or pure hate
I'll stare at the picture for so long
My eyes will bleed out
But in the end, I'll always see the same fuking thing