Rex Luciferius what the world needs now is love not hate

What the world needs now
Is love not hate
What the world needs now
Is love not violence
What the world needs now
Is love not hate
Everyday I see a world filled with violence
People dying all over the world
Evil Ones Killing in the name of god
So I shake my head in disbelief and I say to myself
What the world needs now
Is love not hate
What the world needs now
Is love not violence
What the world needs now
Is love not hate
Everyday I see people starving all over the world
And I see the poor dying from lack of care
And I see the greedy consuming so much
And I see the elite not caring for anyone
So I say to myself,
What the world needs now
Is love not hate
What the world needs now
Is love not violence
What the world needs now
Is love not hate
Still everyday I see little ones going hungry and dying
Everywhere I look I see despair
I see water and air polluted without care
And I see everyone turn a blind eye
So I say to myself,
What the world needs now
Is love not hate
What the world needs now
Is love not violence
What the world needs now
Is love not hate
Everywhere I look I see everyone staring at their phones
I see everyone walking in crowds yet not knowing anyone
I see no one any longer gazing at the clouds in the sky
I see no one ever looking at the stars that fill the night sky
So I say to myself,
What the world needs now
Is love not hate
What the world needs now
Is love not violence
What the world needs now
Is love not hate
So I ask you,
Why don't you no longer care
Please answer me if you dare
I'm so tired of your blank stares
Finding a good soul today is so rare
So I say to myself,
What the world needs now
Is love not hate
What the world needs now
Is love not violence
What the world needs now
Is love not hate