Ricardo Arjona hay amores

Do not come with sermons or praise
nor say again what I already know
bring your moving earrings
and the dress that I always took from you.
I invite you to invite me tonight
to the sin that I never invited you
I ask you to refrain from reproaches
if I already know all my defects.
There are loves like yours
that hurt when they are there or if they leave
there are loves without pride
that live by losing their dignity.
Your life helped me die
death He taught me that you have to live.
Don't fix what hasn't broken down
no one here is ready to change
loves that wear out with use
deserve freedom and rest.
Do not ask me to tell you what you know
nor do you want to know what you don't know
you have the keys to everything else
and if something is needed, I forgot.
There are loves like yours
that hurt when they are there or if they leave
there are loves without pride
that live by losing their dignity.
There are loves, there are loves...
There are loves without pride
that live by losing dignity
your life helped me die
death taught me that we must live.