Ricardo Arjona la nena bitacora de un secuestro

The nanny woke her up at six forty-two
The girl wrinkles her eyes so that the light does not enter
She recites the usual prayer to fulfill God
Then A cross is drawn on her chest
Whose car is waiting two blocks to the south
Armed with textbooks, the driver takes her
Mom says goodbye to her at the door waving her arms arms
The girl is nine years old, as she would have known
They have been following her steps for more than four months
And the car waiting two blocks away turns on the engine
A shot in the driver's temple, the girl drifts
A tree stops the inertia, they have her surrounded
Her forehead hit the glass and has opened a wound
The neighbors lock themselves in, no one has seen anything
And the hand that killed her driver now drowns out her screams
The girl is a one with zeros starting from today
The girl no longer wrinkles her eyes, she has not seen the light
In the branch of hell there are no windows
Her luck is quoted in bills from another country
Her life It is a vulgar barter similar to death
The girl is not going to go to her English class this afternoon
The girl is a bundle tied up in a brown Chrysler
A shoe is pressing on her back, a handkerchief is pressing on her mouth
The girl is scared to death and doesn't understand why
The girl doesn't know that sometimes God too is wrong
The baby is sleeplessness and news, the baby is not there
Her planet changed size and measures four by three
Her sun is the light that sneaks under a door
The girl no longer sees the difference between a day and a month
The girl does not know if she sleeps or stays awake
The girl has already been searching for a reason for 3 months
The baby is six kilos lighter, she has pink sores
Dad almost crazy, she breastfeeds again in hospitals
The delivery is agreed upon with a manipulated voice
The same one that has been offering body souvenirs
br/>And fear laughs at everyone and rubs its hands
The future makes a dog's face if it wants to
The girl no longer wrinkles her eyes, she has not seen the light
In the branch of hell there are no windows
Her luck is quoted in bills from another country
Her life is a vulgar barter similar to death
The girl has been there for ten months without going to the ballet
On the indicated day the money is under a bridge
The girl finally leaves the room where she was kept
Everything is going as agreed, there is nothing pending
br/>Suddenly the boss bursts into the house without covering his face
The girl recognizes someone familiar in the face
The plans after the incident must have changed
Hello faces of balls