Ricardo Arjona mi novia se me esta poniendo vieja

She has been my girlfriend since I can remember
good love since I saw her
I already had a space in my notebook
to paint her name and show off.
She loved me when she finally edge of the finish line
I came second to last in the marathon
he wants me as insensitive or as a poet
as a genius, as a minister or as a jester.
My girlfriend is getting old on me
and it is a little difficult for him to walk
three months without coming and she on a tray
he serves him another coffee for his love.
My girlfriend is getting old on me
br/>and I was beginning to fall in love
with the weight of the things she advises
with her universal gift of forgiving.
She is my girlfriend and she doesn't do blackmail
nor He sets rules of fidelity
He has pandered to each character
without caring about exclusivity.
He loves me the same if I go as a guerrilla
or win the Nobel Peace Prize
It doesn't matter if I'm last or first
whether I'm conformist or tenacious.
My girlfriend is getting old
and she's having a hard time walking
three months without coming and she on a tray
serves him another coffee for his love.
My girlfriend is getting old
and I was starting to fall in love
with the weight of the things he advises
from his universal gift of forgiving.
My girlfriend always has a plate on her
in case one day I plan to return
and she prepared a budget at the bank
in case I might one day need it.
There is no curve that will take me away from my girlfriend
if there was never a maybe on her lips
and although the analogy is already so obvious
You will know that I am talking only to you, mom.