Ricardo Arjona pa que

The bed is so strange that it misses the movement
Your clothes miss the air, which you take away from them
And like a battalion on strike for futures
It your shoes show out of the closet
The house is eager to clone you
And the painting on the wall is boring
And the fact is that even your enemy is the kitchen
Strange ±to those stews that you didn't make
And don't talk about the clock, which is lazy
Making an instant an odyssey
And why the cheesy and foolish verbiage
br/>Why tell you that today that you are no longer here
The house is collapsing in my head
And the door opens by itself in case you come back
The chair It still keeps traces of your curves
And the floor is not the same, without your steps
And the sun no longer even appears in the window
Knowing that you are not there , to observe it
And don't talk about your smell, which floats inertly
Or the mirror that tilts to see you
And why the corny and foolish verbiage
Pa What to tell you that today that you are no longer here
The house is collapsing in my head
And the door opens by itself in case you come back