Ricky Martin cambia la piel

I hold your hand and I don't feel your hand
We kiss and I don't feel your lips
The blue of the sky doesn't shine in your eyes
I look at you and what I see seems strange to me No
When the door opens my heart no longer beats
If I find you at night I no longer lose my mind
When I am by your side my heart does not accelerate pulse
Your caresses and hugs no longer burn me
Change your skin and free yourself
From that old love that made you suffer
Change your skin and cleanse yourself
br/>All that resentment that does you no good
The memories that hurt you so much returned
The sadness that oppressed your soul returned
And the friendship and affection What united us so much
They fell into the networks of mistrust
Your car no longer shakes when we make love
And despite the time it seems that nothing happens
The complicity that previously existed between the two
He got on a dove and flew away
Change your skin and free yourself
From that old love that made you suffer
Change your skin and clean yourself wound
That opened day after day and never healed
Change your skin and convince yourself
That I came for you to make you happy
Change your skin and call me
Forget about that old love
Change your skin, forget about it now
Change your skin and change your skin
Forget about that old man love
Change your skin
Free yourself, free yourself
Change your skin
Change your skin
And free yourself
Change your skin
Oh, oh free yourself
Change your skin
Change your skin
And free yourself
Change your skin
Oh, oh free yourself