Roberto Tapia el muchacho tololoche version

The boy was always elegant
he did not lose his style even when he was locked up
you could see that he was angry
his firm gaze had betrayed him
those who once ate from his hand
life goes on, it doesn't end here
Because I will also win this battle
dear father, keep going
take care of my children & all my blood
and mother I would like to hug you now
the government said they were my people
and DEA agents I was their boss
I took away their hunger for many years
and even though they were full they betrayed me
but they will also pay for their sin
& there is good for all my people of puritito
Culiacán Sinaloa and let the jungle continue giving plebes
It hurts me a lot to be locked up
but it hurts more not to be by your side
Ati Vicentito I really miss you
and there from heaven you are taking care of me
and even though you are no longer son, I love you
I have always admired my father since I was a child
for being so humble and also respectable
dear brothers, always take care of the old man
open it a lot because I can't
& always remember how much I love you
ranch in Puerto Rico in me I'll take you
also the salty one we'll see each other soon
and to all my people, keep this in mind
may God bless you and always take care of us
receive greetings from Vicente here..