Roch Voisine obia

Should we stay in these busy streets? the time where? the winds are silent, in this unloved neighborhood?
You have to see her chase away the darkness?
In the crowd at the foot of the walls, dancing to forget
The closer we are to 'her, the further we are
Far from our clouds, our so reasonable destinies
All it takes is a nothing, a gesture of one's loins
And the reason stops ours.
Then begins another endless night
O? his fiery body arches and dances until the early morning
To the sounds of guitars and tambourines
And feet hitting the ground and hands hitting hands
And for all these shipwrecks? s daily
She is like a breath of air, a beacon, a link, a light, a refrain
In our lives smooth, in distant paradise
A little love without injury, an adventure, a little magic that returns
A mirage
Without a cage, with the birds you travel
We don't know where? she comes from, where? she goes
Daughter of the seas of the Antilles or of the Catalan sun
You never know for whom her heart beats
For whom in the evening her eyes make up and burn so often
And for all those castaways of the evening
She like a breath of air, a beacon, a link, a light, a hope
In our cities with uncertain pleasures
A love without injury, an adventure, a little magic that returns
A mirage
Without a cage, with the birds you travel
A mirage
Without cage, without cage
Obia, f?line sir?ne
Dance the joy, the pain
As a submissive rebel, she puts her shirt back on
And suddenly disappears
A mirage, without a cage
Without cage, a mirage, a mirage
With the birds you travel
(Thank you frog for these words)