Rocio Durcal caricias

Caresses that opened the doors to love and
Instincts, caresses that even without
Words, say more than I love you
Caresses for which I despair and burn me very
Inside even life would give you, when you caress me and I feel yours I am the best woman
Beloved who is always chained to you
I had some caresses with a taste of farewell for the
That I cried, it was a forbidden love that
Would never be mine and I adored it
Caresses that fill you with Jealousy is
They seem like torment, caresses that they left Ah, when you caress me and I feel yours I am the best woman Beloved who is always chained to you I had some caresses that tasted like a farewell for the ones I cried ©, it was a forbidden love that
Would never be mine and I adored it
Caresses that filled with jealousy are
Look like torment, caresses that they left a mark even if I never saw them again